GRIME (2021) is a metroidvania/soulslike by Clover Bite Studios and published by Akupara Games. The game is notable for its sinewy body-horror aesthetic (teeth! you have been warned!) and its heavy reliance on rather genre-lenient parry mechanics, styled as your black hole protagonist literally absorbing the attacks and bodies of enemies.

Game-Specific Glossary

  • Bellow Mace Jump: speedtech that interrupts a bellow mace air attack with a dash or a pull to gain additional height
  • BLJ: Blob Lob Jank -- speedtech involving dropping a Volatile Blob to create a pull nexus in midair and therefore reset your fall speed.
  • Shinedashing: Movement tech where a backdash is turned into a forward dash, costing nearly no stamina and allowing for infinitely chained dashes. Repeated chaining of this tech while walking forward is referred to as Extended Shinedashing.
  • Shoryuken: Speedtech that uses the Fossil Fist's grounded heavy attack to gain additional height; named after the iconic fighting game maneuver it so resembles. Also called Fossil Fist Jumps by runners who are no fun at parties.

Video Guides and Commentated Runs

No one has made a video guide for GRIME (yet).

Other Commentated Runs:

General Resources

Memesheet (unofficial category extensions)

Splits Drive -- contains .lss files for Kinship (Restricted) and All Bosses (Restricted)

Category Resources

Kinship% (Restricted)

Plaintext Guide (Formatted for SplitGuides)

ComSOB Sheet

Alternate Beginner Route (Formatted for SplitGuides)

Full upload of the Beginner Route zip file, with maps and notes, coming soon

All Bosses (Restricted)

Plaintext Guide (Formatted for SplitGuides)