hi, i'm quack.

i started speedrunning in 2019 upon discovering that Super Mario Odyssey had a category called Nipple%. i speedrun too many video games, including every game on this webbed site and several more besides. i am an active volunteer in a variety of speedrunning charity events and marathons, including having had the opportunity to host at multiple Games Done Quick events, which is *wild* to me.

i am extremely, luxuriously transgender. i will always use nine words when one suffices.

when i am not playing video games, i am a music director, composer, and playwright. i am usually playing video games.

i have a cat whose name is Kuiper, who is my stupid, stupid son. He is asleep in my lap while i type this and it is perfect for the both of us.

if you want to hear more of my opinions, but like, extremely intermittently, and also couched in a huge amount of shitposting, i guess you could follow me various places? idk i hope you're here for resources and not for this page lol but it felt very neocities to include